We Are What We Speak
Rabbi Moshe Greenwald • Mondays, 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
The Jewish outlook on slander, tale-bearing and gossip. Free of charge. Light refreshments served.
Shaarei Rachamim Synagogue, 550 S. Hill St. 12 Floor Suite #1270 Los Angeles, CA 90012
Pizza & Parsha
Rabbi Simcha Bart • Tuesdays, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Explore the significance of the weekly Torah portion to our lives with insights and discussion, while eating delicious kosher pizza. Take advantage of this unique study opportunity. Free of charge.
Shaarei Rachamim Synagogue, 550 S. Hill St. 12 Floor Suite #1270 Los Angeles, CA 90012
Torah Studies
Rabbi Moshe Greenwald • Wednesdays, 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Beginning with the Exodus Series, the Torah Studies program will take you through the yearly cycle of the Five Books of Moses, introducing you to new planes in spiritual, social and self-awareness – one week at a time.
Tasty Lunch Served
Shaarei Rachamim Synagogue, 550 S. Hill St. 12 Floor Suite #1270 Los Angeles, CA 90012
A Little Light in the Alley
Mr. Morris Achdut & Rabbi Avraham Zakaria • Wednesdays, 1:30 PM-2:15 PM
The fashion alley isn't exactly the first place you would look for a spiritual journey. Or is it?
Join a group of business people for Mincha and a Torah class every Wednesday.
For more information call (213) 488-1543 or Rabbi Moshe Levin (323) 252-3159
6th Floor of 1200 Santee st Los Angeles, CA 90021
Lunch and Learn in Vernon
Rabbi Mendel Lipsker • Thursdays, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Enjoy a tasty kosher lunch while delving into the insights of the weekly Torah portion as well as a lesson on the laws of Shabbat and what makes them relevant in this day and age.
Followed by a Mincha Minyan. No Charge.
4901 S. Boyle Ave Vernon, CA 90058
Parsha Insights from the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Rabbi Shimon Raichik, Executive Director of Congregation Levi Yitzchok • Thursdays, 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
A fantastic in-depth study group on the weekly Torah Parsha based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Followed by a Mincha Minyan. No Charge.
706 S. Hill St. #320 Los Angeles, CA 90014